Grill'd Pacific Fair

Pick Up

Located within the dining precinct of Pacific Fair Shopping Centre. The beach is a Surfers Paradise, the restaurant is a foodies paradise.

Pacific Fair
Image of a dine-in restaurant

Comin' with a big crew?

Work or play, mates or team-mates, birthday or game day. Whatever the group gathering, book 'em in for a Grill'd feed!

Local Matters

See the community groups we're supporting this month!

Broadbeach Womens Masters AFL team

Broadbeach Cats Women's Masters AFL team is one of the first AFL masters teams for women in Queensland. It offers women aged over 35 the opportunity to play Aussie Rules - and for most, this is the first time they have had the chance to play.

Support the Girls Australia

Your support will empower women who are either homeless, disenfranchised, victims of domestic violence or just genuinely struggling, giving them a sense of dignity and respect by providing a professional bra fitting and then supplying bras, underwear, etc.

Autism Gold Coast Inc

Your kind donation would help us provide newsletters to our ASD families, organise family events incl activities, obtain workshop presenters, help cover ever increasing insurance costs (Public liability & business insurance doubled in last 3 years!)

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