Grill'd Townsville

Pick Up

Located on Palmer Street, right around the corner from the CBD and the Strand. Spend a day at work or at the beach and then pop in for a burger done good. Or just skip working and go straight for the burger.


Local Matters

See the community groups we're supporting this month!

Lifeline Crisis Support NQ

Your donation will help provide a free community breakfast at our annual Out of the Shadows walk on National Suicide Prevention Day in Townsville. A warm BBQ breakfast will bring a sense of comfort to those who walk with us in support.

AEIOU Foundation

AEIOU Foundation is driven to ensure Australian children with autism reach their potential and live their best lives. Supporting children aged 2-6 years who have high support needs.

Michelles Ark Animal Rescue Inc

We are a registered charity dedicated to the care and rehabilitation of abused, rescued and surrendered farm animals. We are teamed with local volunteers who are committed to helping our animals rebuild trust in humans.

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